PrescoFaces - License

Ultimate JSF2 - Chart Library based on vis.js

PrescoFaces is licensed under Apache 2.0. You can use it in any non-commercial and commercial project for free. However the software is provided AS IS without any warranty or liability. Use it completely at your own risk.

However, as PrescoFaces is based on vis.js library, visit

PrescoFaces PRO

bauer-live softwaredevelopment offers an additional support contract for PrescoFaces called PrescoFaces PRO. This includes 10 hours free support time via email per month, early bird access to new PrescoFaces versions as well as higher priority for submitted bugs or feature requests.

PrescoFaces PRO at a glance

Standard Usage PrescoFaces PRO
Use in any project free free
Versions Major public versions from Maven Central Early bird access to also minor versions
Support via Email none 10h / month and developer
Access to Source code via SVN to major releases SVN plus minor releases
Bug tickets / Feature requests yes yes, prioritized first
Costs free per month and developer, contact us at
© 2015 by Bauer-Live Softwaredevelopment